Worth the wait, promise...

Worth the wait, promise...

Bingo Card Creator
Enter phrase
This title will appear on your printouts

Pick words and/or images for your cards, one per row
(See sample PDF containing multiple cards)
Creating... Please wait.
Enter a bingo card title and we'll suggest matching award certificates.

Print award certificates for bingo winners and participants

This is just a preview of suggested awards. They will change to match your Bingo card Title.
After you've created your bingo cards, come back here, click an award, personalize it, and print it - done!
Choose a Different Image for: ""
Select image
  • Images from the web
  • Upload an image
Drag and drop files here
- or -
Select file
Are you sure you want to clear everything you've done and start over?
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Question: "Can I have more than 28 words/images for my cards?"

Answer: Yes, you can, and they will all shuffle at random, but it could get boring.

More than 28 words/images can cause long waits between winners. For a typical class of 25 students it's good to limit to 28, though teacher speed, student age, question difficulty, etc. also play a role. That said, you can include more than 28 a words/images and the generator will still cycle through at random.
This was just a tip. We may not show it again. Continue creating bingo cards by clicking anywhere outside this box
Whoops, looks like you forgot to give your bingo card a title like "Animal bingo cards" or "Spanish word Bingo." Please fill the title field in so you can print.
Bingo cards require a minimum of 25 words. What would you like to do?
Save a Copy of This Bingo Card?
If the "Print bingo card to PDF" button didn't work or you want a copy of this bingo card:
Let us email you this bingo card for safekeeping
We'll email you a link to this bingo card so you can download it any time.
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